Saturday, February 23, 2008

Eugenics: the cloning of human beings - artistic vision

It seems that Belle Shafir, aware like many of us of the dramatic developments in the field of genetic engineering, heredity and cloning, has found that turning point in the portrait of our world and in our view of the living creatures in it, a fulcrum that managed to unsettle her as it does us all

More about Belle Shafir

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Technology meets art

After reading the article ā€œThe digital tools for the Artistsā€, I started exploring what other types of art was relying on technology. I found on YouTube this clip:

First question indeed, is this really art?

My response: definitively. Transient and ephemera, immaterial. Technology here is helping the artist in a simple way: large device and projection system. Again, the use of a simple technology in the hand of an artist becomes a powerful tool of expression.

I will continue to look around and find other technology that artists use to create new way of expressions.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

George Cabig - Body painter

Outside his tremendeous talent as a photographer, George is also a complete artists. I strongly recommend to take a look to his artworks: Titleblue mountain