Tuesday, August 31, 2010

emmanuel jahan - berlin in motion - the woman and art

"Berlin in motion : a city seen otherwise"

A perfect precision and mastering of the camera. In terms of focal, we don't know which elements had the main focus.
A kind of double attraction?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Technology meets arts - Fractals

Complex Fractal ImageThe term “Fractal” was coined by Benoit Mandelbrot (a French mathematician) in 1975 when he was working since 1952 at the IBM research center.

Mandelbrot is not the only mathematician having worked in specific fields of Chaos Theory, Dynamic System and Fractal Geometry.

For instance, Iterated functions in the complex plane were investigated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Henri Poincaré, Felix Klein, Pierre Fatou and Gaston Julia.

However, without the aid of modern computer graphics, they lacked the means to visualize the beauty of many of the objects that they had discovered.

It is quite unusual that simple mathematic functions visualized using computer programs generates so incredible images as demonstrated in the following movie, knowing that the mathematical formula in itself is as simple as that:

xn+1 = xn2 + c (where x is in the Complex Set)

Fractals and Arts

Fractal patterns have been found in the paintings of American artist Jackson Pollock. While Pollock's paintings appear to be composed of chaotic dripping and splattering, computer analysis has found fractal patterns in his work.see: Fractal expressionism

Fractals are also prevalent in African art and architecture. Circular houses appear in circles of circles, rectangular houses in rectangles of rectangles, and so on. Such scaling patterns can also be found in African textiles, sculpture, and even cornrow hairstyles TO LEARN MORE: RECOMMENDED VIDEO

To conclude as usual: Science meets technology meets art.


Reference: wikipedia.org

juliette gribnau - mist at sea

Juliette Gribnau is fascinated by fractals. A large collection of her work is around those recursive patterns that drive you into the infinitesimal.

My next post will dig into this fascinating subject: Fractals

Sunday, August 29, 2010

sERGE pLANTe - Builders

sERGE pLANTe, Canada, Photography, Architecture, Folk, Urban Art, Figurative, Cityscape, Symbolist

Serge P.
Ce que vous voyez m'enrichit!<
«nous suspendons des miroirs à un grand arbre!»
What you see enriches me!<
«we are suspending mirrors onto a big tree!»

Thanks Serge, for your amazing visions.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Anne Renard - Mirzuga

Anne Renard - Mirzuga
Originally uploaded by CultureInside
Anne est une artiste jouant essentiellement sur les formes simples et les couleurs. L’ensemble parait cohérent et pourtant… la gamme de ses œuvres est riche : douceur et volupté, violence et déchirure. Un seul élément reste présent : la passion. A découvrir, voir et revoir.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Renée Politzer - 2.Natur, Mensch,Objekt

The kind of photo we would like to see moer often.
Composition, forms, colors, dynamic: all is there.
Again, a great talent to discover only on cultureinside!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Discover: Gerard Frances - Wall

This photo with "hypersaturation" is part of a technique issued from the digital camera. Historians relate "hypersaturation" to the "mass media culture" generation. Maybe. The point is that this technique can be used quite easily by amateurs using tools like photoshop. Here, Gerard Frances is far beyond amateurism. Hypersaturation creates abstraction and hides the underlying reality of the orginal photo creating in turn curiosity. We like it or not. Up to your judgement.